In the fictional story "Godfather Death" by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm a very stark flaw in the way the world works is pointed out. The idea that Death is one of the only truly fair entities in our world is shown. When god asks the man to be the child's godfather he responds harshly, pointing out gods mistakes in the world. He does not let god be the child's godfather. When the devil asks the same question he responds just as harshly but in a different manor. He points out that the devil only leads good men astray. He does not let the devil be his child's godfather. Finally when a thin, cold and boney death approaches him asking the same question he has a very different reaction. He then realizes the equality in which death operates. He does not give special treatment to either poor nor rich, he takes his victims no matter who they are. They all depart this world as equals. Death is a force that must not be tampered with, there is a delicate balance between life and death in this world and it is fair and equal. In society death is looked at as a dark and bleak ideal. But in reality it is one of the only fair entities in the world, isn't fairness usually a good thing? Some views can't be changed and im not saying anybody should look at death as a good thing but just remember...... all is fair in death and despair.
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